Thursday 20 January 2011

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

I've made a collage of what my ideal reader would be interested in, boys and girls. My magazine would appeal to them because like this collage, it has a mix of genres in one magazine. my readers would be interested in the latest trends on the highstreet as well as music. They would be interested in  tv shows such as 'Friends' as every 16 - 24 year old has heard of that tv show. Most importantly they would be interested in by music and music channels such as MTV which is the biggest music channel today. Also social networking sites like facebook and twitter to access music trends etc... They would also go to festivals such as Reading and V festival since they are filled with arists from different music backgrounds. iTunes is used my most music buyers as it's the worlds biggest music store. Spotify is also used by music lovers. Age is represented in my collage with the 'L' learning sticker, this represents my target audience may be in stage of entering maturity and learning to drive and also attending raves and clubs and going up to london by themselves.These images depict what my audience would be interested in.

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