Thursday 20 January 2011

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I first attracted and addressed my audience by creating a questionnaire about what they would look for and what they like in a music magazine. I got the feedback back from the questionnaire and put them into pie charts if you look on my previously blog. I found the results very helpful as this helps me to create the magazine for my ideal reader. On my front cover, I address them by using a puff advertisement for winning gig tickets, I also addressed them by using the word ‘your’ one of my headlines, and this makes the reader feel that the magazine is specifically for them. On my contents page, I have address them and attracted them by having an editor’s note, this makes the reader feel like the editor is talking to them and can relate to them. Along with the editors note I have added a picture of the editor and the picture involves direct address, this immediately lures the reader in and interests them. On the double page spread, I have attracted and addressed my audience yet again by using direct address in the pictures, this interests them and they feel yet again a personal connection. I have also used a very hard hitting article title as its blocked letters and in a bold bright colour. I have used witty words within my article to keep the reader reading on and not lose interest.

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