Sunday 16 January 2011

Final front cover draft

  First Draft                                                                  Final Draft 

As you can see, I have made many improvements to my magazine from the first draft I had designed. The most drastic and effective change I element I have changed and improved is the font I have used for my final draft. Looking back, I feel the font I used for the first draft looks to social and quirky for a magazine whereas most magazines just use bold and simple font which I decided to use after researching more media conventions of magazines after my first draft. For my first draft I used the font Candy Square BTN Stripped. For my Final Draft I used the font Diamond Heavy SF which is very bold and big so it is easier to catch the eye of readers. Most of the font on the final draft is in bold as it will be easier to see and most of the font is white as it is clearer to read on the amount of colours involved in my background image. I changed the colour of 'Josh Farro' to white as black is harder to read in comparison with a white font which can stand out of anything. I kept the colour red but I put a higher intensity of the black outline than it was before so it would be easier to see. I also changed the wording from 'Wicked' to 'Wild' as it is very similar to an NME article. In the first article I had stars around the font 'Christmas issue'. I decided to remove the stars as it doesn't make the magazine look realistic and it also wouldn't appeal to my target audience as it looked childish and didn't really relate to Christmas. I also removed the headline 'Hooray! Gigs to attend for 2011' as it is advertised on the contents page already. I feel this was a good decision as it gave me more room and it allowed me to add an advertisement puff which is what many other music magazines include. I feel by looking at the improvements I have made from my first draft, I have recognised the music magazine conventions successfully and included them in my final draft successfully.


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