Sunday 16 January 2011

Final contents page draft


First draft of contents page                                     Final draft of contents page 
As you can see, I have made many improvements to my contents page from the first draft i designed. The first change I decided to make was the image I was using on the top half of the page. I changed the image because I thought the picture had a burst of overwhelming colours for a contents page and it wouldn't go with many colours for the bottom of the contents page I would use. I think this was good a good decision because the picture seems more relative for a contents page. Like the front cover, I have also changed my font from Candy Square BTN Striped to Diamond Heavy SF because the font on the contents page looks a lot like Comic sans and that type of font isn't used for serious text content. So I changed it to match the front cover and decided this could be part of the House Theme. I have kept the editor’s note the same. I have change the colour of 'p14 Gigs to look for 2011' to bright blue as it would stand out on the page as it is surrounded by dark bold colours and it also matches the masthead original colour scheme. Previously, My masthead for the contents page matched the masthead on front cover but I chose to have the original masthead as the readers can know that this is a special Christmas issue hence the non matching mastheads. In the bottom half, I got told to add colour, I feel by adding colour it looks much better as before it looked quite bland and wouldn't appeal to readers as much. I decided to use a colour scheme of Grey and Sea Green from Page Plus. I feel these colours work well together as it doesn't manipulate the feel for both the magazine being for both genders. I also used white font in the sea green boxes as it would be better to see and can also be eye-catching. I have changed the layout of the 'Top Picks' section as before it wasn't clear who people were and what their opinion was. I have included names and roles they would play our magazine production team. I feel that I have made improvements to my contents page and could potentially look like an actual contents page.                                  

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