Thursday 13 January 2011

First Draft of Music Magazine double page spread.

This is my first draft of my double page spread. When researching music conventions I looked at double page spreads in music magazines and how they would be laid out. I chose to lay mine out in a very simplistic way. I decided to have my article on one side and my images on the other side as I feel it looks less cluttered and it would also be easier to read. Like every double page feature spread, I have included 2 pull quotes. They are in a grey colour and I feel it works well with the black text and the cream background. At the very beginning of the article I have the letter 'A' enlarged. Having an enlarged letter at the beginning of an article allows the reader to be encouraged to read on and is a good way of catching the eye. I have chosen to use a black strip to separate the title from the article, I am thinking of adding a strap line along the black line. My Article name 'Kimmy B Exclusive Interview!' was made on I wanted to get an unoriginal font for the article title. I chose to put 'Kimmy B' in a bright colour so it would contrast with the background colour and stand out more. I found the process of my designing my double page spread a very slow process and complicated. I have gotten great feedback to make the double page spread a lot better than it is now.
Improvements to be made :
• A strap line should be added along the black box as that's what double page spreads normally have.
• Change the colour of the pull quotes to match 'Kimmy B'.
• Cut around the one of the pictures to make more room for the other pictures.
• Try the background as white instead of cream.

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