Thursday 20 January 2011

7. Looking back at your preliminary task (the school magazine task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?

When looking back at the process of making the preliminary task and the actual assignment, i feel i have improved a lot with knowing the forms and conventions of a real magazine and applied it to 'The Mix'. I now have an insight in the magazine making process and how long it takes when you need to meet a deadline. i've learnt a lot through the research of music magazine and how much your target audience matter in the production of your magazine and also how much marketing research helps your production.
There are still things i would try out , for example, trying a new image for the front cover etc, and looking at different house colours.
Overall, i am pleased with how my magazine has come together and the feedback i have got. I have really enjoyed making the magazine as it gives me bigger vision of what it would be like.

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

I first attracted and addressed my audience by creating a questionnaire about what they would look for and what they like in a music magazine. I got the feedback back from the questionnaire and put them into pie charts if you look on my previously blog. I found the results very helpful as this helps me to create the magazine for my ideal reader. On my front cover, I address them by using a puff advertisement for winning gig tickets, I also addressed them by using the word ‘your’ one of my headlines, and this makes the reader feel that the magazine is specifically for them. On my contents page, I have address them and attracted them by having an editor’s note, this makes the reader feel like the editor is talking to them and can relate to them. Along with the editors note I have added a picture of the editor and the picture involves direct address, this immediately lures the reader in and interests them. On the double page spread, I have attracted and addressed my audience yet again by using direct address in the pictures, this interests them and they feel yet again a personal connection. I have also used a very hard hitting article title as its blocked letters and in a bold bright colour. I have used witty words within my article to keep the reader reading on and not lose interest.

Q4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

I've made a collage of what my ideal reader would be interested in, boys and girls. My magazine would appeal to them because like this collage, it has a mix of genres in one magazine. my readers would be interested in the latest trends on the highstreet as well as music. They would be interested in  tv shows such as 'Friends' as every 16 - 24 year old has heard of that tv show. Most importantly they would be interested in by music and music channels such as MTV which is the biggest music channel today. Also social networking sites like facebook and twitter to access music trends etc... They would also go to festivals such as Reading and V festival since they are filled with arists from different music backgrounds. iTunes is used my most music buyers as it's the worlds biggest music store. Spotify is also used by music lovers. Age is represented in my collage with the 'L' learning sticker, this represents my target audience may be in stage of entering maturity and learning to drive and also attending raves and clubs and going up to london by themselves.These images depict what my audience would be interested in.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When designing a media product, you need to take into consideration how will your media product represent your target audience and the social groups?
The small collage I have put together show that my media product represent a group of mixed gender from 16 year olds to 24 year olds. The people presented in the collage are looking very confident and carefree, I have tried to experiment with magazine colours and the layout to match the personalities of the social groups represented here. By being carefree and confident they are proud of the music they listen to and will listen to whatever they want. By being carefree, it shows they would be open to new music, which is why my initial ideas for the magazine include being based around the charts and mixed genres and introducing new artists/unsigned bands within the music world. This is why the magazine has mixed genres included so it can target a larger social group than just one in particular which will limit the sales it would get. The age range I am focusing on is into the stage of going to gigs, attending house parties, and loving music. As you can see in the collage, the teens are partying which suggests they are care free and do not care what anyone thinks, the expressions of their faces show the confident and carefree attitude with a bit of a rebellious side added to it. I have chosen a picture of a model which represents how my social groups try and stay with the new trends, not only in fashion but with music, this is presented in our magazine by offering an overview of the UK chart. I have also included a picture of a rave, the particular music featured in a rave is included in the magazine, and the colour of image suggests the bright personalities the social groups hold.

Evaluation - Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?