Wednesday 6 October 2010

Sketch of possible magazine cover and contents page

For our front cover, me and my partner put ideas together and drew a draft of what we would like the cover to look like. We decided to put a science story and picture on the front cover as our school is a specialist science college. We also would have school trip photos at the bottom so the magazine cover isn't just about science. We want the magazine cover to target our audience (11-18 years) so we want the masthead to be Big and Bold but not boring, we want it to appeal the the target audience. Other story lines will be included on the front and will feature a story which attracts atleast every year. For example, Sixth form style fix story for sixth form, or year 7&8 clubs for year 7 and 8. The text will be approiate and so will the images. This draft will help myself and my partner to design the front cover.

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