Wednesday 6 October 2010

First draft of the school front cover

By using the cover sketch, we used it as a guidline to produce a draft of our Front cover. We used an image we originally took with the concept presented in the sketch (science related). We didn't want a clash of too many colour as more than 3 colours can look messy or cluttered. We wanted the Masthead to stand out so we decided to lay it on top of a light green rectangle block. We also used sea green for the price label as the black text would also stand out on that text. We used the black text for the featuring stories and we wanted it to match the font of the masthead. We still need to take our original pictures for the 'Media Trip Photo's' at the bottom of the cover. We did templates of where the photos would go. To make the front cover we used DTP to produce it all. As this is our 1st draft, we still need to do some improvements and adjustments.

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