Thursday 21 October 2010

Final Magazine Draft

This is our final magazine draft. We have only made one change which is changing the picture from a medium close up, to a medium shot. We felt a medium shot was better because as the main article is science related, the bunsen burner should be fully featured in the picture but in the second draft, some of the bunsen was cut out. Even though it is not a medium close up, it still had a personal and readable feeling towards it. We feel this magazine is successfully produced using DTP and it appeals to people as it has the same look as a school magazine rather than a gossip or music magazine. It is not too cluttered with images or text, we made sure that our school magazine has a tidy look to it and it is clear to anaylse what it is. We felt the change of text colour from black to white was a good choice to make, as it stands out more and it is placed on top of a coloured background.

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