Thursday 21 October 2010

Final Magazine Draft

This is our final magazine draft. We have only made one change which is changing the picture from a medium close up, to a medium shot. We felt a medium shot was better because as the main article is science related, the bunsen burner should be fully featured in the picture but in the second draft, some of the bunsen was cut out. Even though it is not a medium close up, it still had a personal and readable feeling towards it. We feel this magazine is successfully produced using DTP and it appeals to people as it has the same look as a school magazine rather than a gossip or music magazine. It is not too cluttered with images or text, we made sure that our school magazine has a tidy look to it and it is clear to anaylse what it is. We felt the change of text colour from black to white was a good choice to make, as it stands out more and it is placed on top of a coloured background.

Second Magazine Draft

Our second draft of our magazine features our Masthead in a black colour as shown in our first draft. But in our first draft we used black writing for our features and other headlines, but we decided to make it white as we thought it was too matchy if all of the font was to be black so we picked white as the text is situated on a colour background so white would stand out more and it is also outlined with a black shadow. We have also added our own original pictures to the 'Media Trip Photos'.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Feedback about first draft of school magazine

Feedback about first draft of school magazine
When producing our first draft of our magazine, we passed it around the class and asked for feedback. This powerpoint includes our feedback andc this will help us develop on to make the front cover overal successful.

First draft of the school front cover

By using the cover sketch, we used it as a guidline to produce a draft of our Front cover. We used an image we originally took with the concept presented in the sketch (science related). We didn't want a clash of too many colour as more than 3 colours can look messy or cluttered. We wanted the Masthead to stand out so we decided to lay it on top of a light green rectangle block. We also used sea green for the price label as the black text would also stand out on that text. We used the black text for the featuring stories and we wanted it to match the font of the masthead. We still need to take our original pictures for the 'Media Trip Photo's' at the bottom of the cover. We did templates of where the photos would go. To make the front cover we used DTP to produce it all. As this is our 1st draft, we still need to do some improvements and adjustments.

Sketch of possible magazine cover and contents page

For our front cover, me and my partner put ideas together and drew a draft of what we would like the cover to look like. We decided to put a science story and picture on the front cover as our school is a specialist science college. We also would have school trip photos at the bottom so the magazine cover isn't just about science. We want the magazine cover to target our audience (11-18 years) so we want the masthead to be Big and Bold but not boring, we want it to appeal the the target audience. Other story lines will be included on the front and will feature a story which attracts atleast every year. For example, Sixth form style fix story for sixth form, or year 7&8 clubs for year 7 and 8. The text will be approiate and so will the images. This draft will help myself and my partner to design the front cover.

Friday 1 October 2010

Brainstorm of possible School Magazine names

This brainstorm shows the possibilities for the School Magazine which will be produced for my Priliminary Task. The names dotted were favourites, but the one myself and my partner chose was 'The Rumor'. We chose it because its not too serious and we want do not want the school magazine to come off boring and completely serious.

4. Who Co-ordinates/Edits?

The group of students who produce a magazine would generally have an editor within the group. The editor would check over every story or feature, proof read and critise or approve a story. In the Journalism world this person would be an Editor in Cheif. They would get a mock up of the magazine by the deadline and go over it. In a school, it would be the same but it would be a more experianced and dedicated student over any other.

3. Who wrote the articles?

The people to write the articles would be the students who would be older, maybe from year 10 upwards, but students who have an interest in journalism or general english and enjoy writing would also be the ones writing and gathering information for there articles or features. They would be confident in what they write and who they write it for. They will know how to grab an audience and not offend anyone in there writing.

2. Who are the Audience/Consume?

School magazines are not just for the people who produce it. The school magazine needs to be targetted at every year, for example : Year 7 - 13. The target audience for the school magazines are from 11-18 years old. There would be an expected price of 50p so it would be affordable for everyone. It would feature articles to target every year.

1. What type of Articles go into a school magazine?

In school magazines, a varity of articles must go to reach everyone year groups interest. Some articles would feature the 2010 GCSE success results for the new years 12's. There can also be a article on Sports for people who are involved in sport clubs and also news about a student becoming an athelete etc.. For younger pupils articles can include Success stories as it is an interesting and uplifting story for pupils to read about. Term dates will be included just incase and upcoming charity events will be included such as Year 7 & 8 disco's, cake sales and many others, many younger pupils will find stories like that interesting as they are far from GCSE's and AS/A-level. For older students such as year 10,11,12 and 13, the magazine will feature articles about exam tips, revision and would include lunchtime/afterschool revision sessions, but it would also include University advice and UCAS information which is all vital for the year 12's and year 13's. For all student years, articles can be school trip insights, what was a success from the trips and it may include pictures, also an upcoming events section with disco's and charity events, special assemblys. There could also be an 'Agony Aunt'. This section would target all of the years as many pupils do face problems but are too scared to tell somebody. When producing a school magazine, you need to take into account who are you targetting and what targets them, in this case it would be the whole school.