Friday 3 December 2010

Analysing double page spread

A double page spread will be featured in my magazine and by analysing a double page spread from a current music magazine it will help me with my planning and research into how to make a double spage spread look appealing. In the double page spread above(Kerrang). The first page includes Pictures which are related to the story, These pictures are of a band, and some of them include medium shots and medium close up which makes the picture and story seem personal and intimate which is effective for readers as you want your readers to engage in your magazine instead of just flicking through. Some of the images contain direct address which also draws the eye contact of the reader to the picture and also gives it a realitsic feel to it. On the Second page, it features the actual article which is an interview for a band. The language is colloquial but yet fun and informative. This is a good quality of language to have for a specific target audience like 16-24 year olds because they do not want to be bored, they want to keep reading and be interested in what they are reading about so by having play on words and connotations of text, it makes the reader interested. The layout of the text in simply laid out in columns. The pictures are show as a collage on the first page which is a good technique to draw in readers as they will immediatly know who this article is about. The overall feature has a colour scheme to it, this is a good stratergie to have as the features will not look cluttered and unattractive.

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