Thursday 25 November 2010

Questionnaire Results

When I gathered my results together, I had a variety of answers, some people put more than one option which was a huge help and this helped me and my partner to decided how big we want our target audience. When discussed with my partner we decided not to have a specific genre music magazine, we wanted a mix of genres as we feel there is not a magazine that focus' on that. The questionnaire results are good because of the varition presented and this will help our further production into our magazine. One of my questions were about articles and what they would like to see in a magazine, it had a variation of options and also had the option of 'All of the above', the majority ticked 'All of Above'. This showed that we cannot just focus on one paticular thing and the market we wanted yo target will be very limited, so by having a Mix of everything included in my questionnaire has helped to make us realise how to broaden our target audience and how to meet the needs of the audience.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Music Magazine Research Questionairre

To help with the production with our music magazine, a questionairre was needed to finalise our target audience and what will be in our magazine to meet there desires. My questionairre consitsed of  9 questions.

1. Are you male or female?

2. How old are you?

3. If you read any music magazines, which one?

4. How much would you normally expect to pay for a magazine?

5. Do you go to gigs often?

6. What types of articles do you prefer?

7. Which of the following do you like included in magazines?

8. What type of images do you look for on a front cover?

9. How do you listen to music?

I handed out my questionairre to 50 people who were mixed gender so 25 female, 25 males. I found producing a questionairre was amazingly helpful as it helps to indentify the contents within our magazine and it helps us to reach our target audience need and interest.